Understanding UPS Tracking Statuses: What Do They Mean?

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In today’s fast-paced world of e-commerce and global shipping, keeping track of packages is crucial for both businesses and consumers alike. One of the most commonly used shipping carriers, UPS, provides customers with detailed tracking information for their packages. However, understanding the various tracking statuses can sometimes be confusing. In this article, we’ll delve into the meaning behind UPS tracking statuses to help you navigate the shipping process with ease.

Order Processed: Ready for UPS

This status indicates that UPS has received the electronic transmission of the shipment details from the sender. At this stage, the package is typically awaiting pickup by a UPS driver. It’s the initial step in the shipping process and signifies that the package is in UPS’s system and ready to be shipped.

Origin Scan

Once the package has been picked up by a UPS driver, it undergoes an “origin scan.” This scan records the package’s departure from the pickup location, providing the first tangible evidence that the package is en route to its destination. The origin scan often includes details such as the time and location of pickup, as well as the package’s weight and dimensions.

In Transit

The “in transit” status indicates that the package is currently moving through the UPS network towards its destination. During this stage, the package may pass through various UPS facilities, such as sorting hubs and distribution centers, as it makes its way closer to the recipient’s address. While in transit, the package’s tracking information may be updated periodically to reflect its current location and estimated delivery date.

Out for Delivery

This status signifies that the package is on its final leg of the journey and is out for delivery by a UPS driver. At this point, the package is typically loaded onto a delivery vehicle and scheduled for delivery to the recipient’s address. Customers can expect their package to arrive later in the day, barring any unforeseen delays or issues.


The “delivered” status indicates that the package has been successfully delivered to the recipient’s address. This confirmation is accompanied by details such as the date and time of delivery, as well as the name of the person who signed for the package, if applicable. Upon delivery, customers should inspect the package for any signs of damage and ensure that all items are accounted for.


In some cases, packages may encounter unexpected issues during transit, resulting in an “exception” status. This could include situations such as severe weather delays, address issues, or failed delivery attempts. When an exception occurs, UPS will provide additional information to explain the nature of the issue and any steps that may be required to resolve it. Customers should contact UPS customer service for assistance in such situations.

Final Thoughts

Understanding UPS tracking statuses is essential for effectively managing the shipping and delivery of packages. By familiarizing yourself with these statuses, you can track your packages with confidence and anticipate their arrival with greater accuracy. Should you have any questions or concerns about your shipment, don’t hesitate to reach out to UPS customer service for assistance. Happy shipping!

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